1. Add the URL of your src="" page for the "header" frame
2. Add the URL of your src="" page for the "contents" frame
3. Add the URL of your src="" page for the "main" frame
4. Add the URL of your src="" page for the "footer" frame
5. Add a BASE target="contents" element to the HEAD of
your "header" page, to set "contents" as the default
frame where its links will display other pages.
6. Add a BASE target="contents" element to the HEAD of
your "contents" page, to set "main" as the default
frame where its links will display other pages.
7. Add a BASE target="contents" element to the HEAD of
your "footer" page, to set "contents" as the default
frame where its links will display other pages.
This HTML frameset displays multiple Web pages. To view this frameset,
use a Web browser that supports HTML 4.0 and later.